Friday, May 3rd, 2024 10:11:52 AM EST

Proof of Environment


September 2021 PoE Accepted Work Shares

Viewing 98 posts - 1 through 98 (of 98 total)
  • Author
  • #21767

    Title: Waterfall area cleanup

    Location: Newton Falls, Ohio

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcZxA3H5HLxY5QAT6eQZgeV3e67dHLKxcj

    By: Steve

    PoE Score:


    Title: Temporarily canning and freezing milk

    Location: Michigan

    Other Information: So my aunt shared with me how she sometimes buys extra milk, and freezes some of it for longer use so it does not spoil. So I have done this twice and it turns out good! I have put in jars and sealed them with my jar sealer kit and food saver vacuum sealer, but the last time, the shopper got mixed up and bought me a whole gallon plus 2 half gallons, I immediately put the half gallons straight into the freezer and the gallon I tried to use but a good portion did get spoiled. I am on my first half gallon. We will see if I can use it up in time. But the idea of buying more and saving trips using less gas is there. So this is experimental. It certainly tastes fine even good! If I am successful I will buy more half gallons.

    EGC address to be rewarded: Ebi2gs6pRzCYXxgHWQ7gxLQxrAdbE3fEWc


    PoE Score:


    Title: Planting trees

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Today we tried to move around the community and were able to plant at least 22 trees

    EGC address to be rewarded: EaVaMiPpxjwAJybGkDyGHEkh4iQ6NdJXZt

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:



    Location: Kakuma one

    Other Information: Hiy everyone truly speaking today I didn’t plant any trees because the work of yesterday was so harder, when I woke up morning sunrise_over_mountains I feel fatigue All of my body. The only thing I do is to help my neighborhood watering flowers and give him some motivation of knowledge and skills on flowering protection.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumba

    PoE Score:


    Title: 144Lb of CO2

    Other Information: 8 5gallon buckets of char is 144lb of CO2 stabilized, i will plant flowers of many kinds that will bloom next year to help the bees.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EWtVmSQbrR7ZTxBgykbPKpgJtL2JZuDt7T

    By: Jim

    PoE Score:


    Title: CLEAN UP

    Location: Ethiopia market

    Other Information: Hi guys for those who are experience darkness by now good night and for those who are day time enjoy your day well.
    This is my Thursday work of today I do some little pick and flowers protection.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumba

    PoE Score:


    Title: Care if flowers 🌹

    Location: Kakuma town at lake restaurant

    Other Information: And here is pics of flowers🌸🌸 showing people who we suppose to control and caring flowers 🌹

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumba

    PoE Score:


    Title: Alleyway cleanup

    Location: Warren, Ohio

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcZxA3H5HLxY5QAT6eQZgeV3e67dHLKxcj

    By: Steve

    PoE Score:


    Title: 180more lb of CO2

    Location: Meadville, Pennsylvania

    Other Information: Put another 180lb of CO2 in the ground building up my flower gardens.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EWtVmSQbrR7ZTxBgykbPKpgJtL2JZuDt7T

    By: Jim

    PoE Score:



    Location: Kakuma 1 Equestria

    Other Information: Hi everyone here. I want to let you know how much I have done today. Today I complete two tasks:1) planting trees : I successfully planted 29 trees. In this 29 trees11 of it planted using charcoal. And I believe what both Steven and Jim talking about the CO2 and it helps in holding water for a long period that’s correct. 2) the rest I planted without charcoal.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumba

    PoE Score:



    Location: Kakuma refugee camp Hongkong In my plot

    Other Information: Secondly I prepared compost for getting manure which be helping me incase of shortness of charcoal, I will be able to use the compost soil.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumba

    PoE Score:


    Title: 90lb in the ground

    Location: Meadville

    Other Information: Still building up my raised flower garden with biochar. Put another 90lb of CO2 in the ground, x5 5gallon buckets.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EZRPmATUiLxaGb9hNfoF3scC5EuVPFwD24

    By: Jim

    PoE Score:


    Title: My trip to a garage sale…

    Location: Michigan

    Other Information: I went to a garage this morning, on my bicycle to go browse and to do a bit of publicity for I wore my hat with my logo and the EverGreenCoin shirt. I found some pencils with my cousins name on them, so I bought for 20cents. I then gave my business card and left. Riding home, I found about 50 or 60 cents worth of cans on side of road. And a neighbor threw out some plastic hangers, perfectly good condition. So I grabbed those.  Not a bad trip at all

    EGC address to be rewarded: Ebi2gs6pRzCYXxgHWQ7gxLQxrAdbE3fEWc


    PoE Score:



    Location: Kakuma three near clinic six

    Other Information: Evaluation of trees which growing well. here is some pics of people who had received EGC for maintaining and taking care of trees, people were very excited to receive that sum ksh 50. Thanks EGC for this great support!!!

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumba

    PoE Score:


    Title: My home 🏘️ garden

    Location: Kakuma Hongkong

    Other Information: Looks how soil is cracking and this is because of lucky of fertilizer sometimes we use manure.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumba

    PoE Score:


    Title: Planting trees

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Hello everyone, I hope everybody is doing well. So today I want to show you some of the trees I have been planted in August.

    EGC address to be rewarded: ESvTJCo6trgBSGwpe3LRCs1RQbTPfHgUkH

    By: CHIRAC

    PoE Score:


    Title: Planting trees

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Hi, I’m very happy to share the other pictures of Trees for the second time that I have been planting in August. I already show group some pictures of Trees for the first time here. Thank you so much!

    EGC address to be rewarded: ESvTJCo6trgBSGwpe3LRCs1RQbTPfHgUkH

    By: Chirac

    PoE Score:


    Title: Update of August trees

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Trees that I have been planted in August

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVJtrQAsY4zgnSmC21sWunTvqkTpSQGnPF

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:


    Title: Update of August trees

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: August planted trees

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVJtrQAsY4zgnSmC21sWunTvqkTpSQGnPF

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:


    Title: Planting trees

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Today I have tried to plant trees with this Small kids.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVJtrQAsY4zgnSmC21sWunTvqkTpSQGnPF

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:


    Title: Planting Trees

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: This is my work of today. I have planted 17 Trees.

    EGC address to be rewarded: ESvTJCo6trgBSGwpe3LRCs1RQbTPfHgUkH

    By: Chirac

    PoE Score:



    Location: Kakuma refugee camp

    Other Information: Ye as my dear friend Jules shengo had said before “today we worked together as a team and our work was quite enjoyable” furthermore I was very excited to see people are planting trees with char although I spend money to reach out people which I target, I used motorcycle this is because my bike it has a big punctures, but I will try my best by Thursday it will be okay.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumba

    PoE Score:



    Location: Kakuma refugee camp

    Other Information: t is my pleasure to announce this from my inner party of my heart to say thanksgiving to the committee of EGC. We had received 10 t-shirt from the management of EGC, thanks so much Steven, Jim and the rest. look amazing surprise.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumba

    PoE Score:


    Title: My charcoal my nice trees

    Location: Kakuma refugee camp

    Other Information: After planting trees I bought another a half of a sack of charcoal for tomorrow’s work.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumba

    PoE Score:


    Title: Soybean field

    Location: Newton township, Ohio

    Other Information: Feed the world!

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcZxA3H5HLxY5QAT6eQZgeV3e67dHLKxcj

    By: Steve

    PoE Score:


    Title: Planting trees

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Today I have tried to plant a tree with 2 years old and I decided to give him the name of fronzobot.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVJtrQAsY4zgnSmC21sWunTvqkTpSQGnPF

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:


    Title: More char used

    Location: Meadville

    Other Information: Used another 3 buckets of char or 54lb of CO2.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EWtVmSQbrR7ZTxBgykbPKpgJtL2JZuDt7T

    By: Jim

    PoE Score:


    Title: TEARS

    Location: Bukavu center

    Other Information: My garden are being damage with pest, furthermore lucky of enough water for watering my garden make me feel so sad, if anyone could help me with idea please welcome.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumba

    PoE Score:


    Title: Work on going

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: I’m happy to send my photos of here. Look how is my work of preventing environment.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EPNWdG4J5JdxCosdCBDCwcKg68nhQ9K9JJ

    By: Amisi Emmanuel

    PoE Score:



    Location: Hongkong market, Kakuma

    Other Information: Today I had done a wonderful work. I never worked like this before thinking everyone else will be happy when I send my pics of today’s work.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumba

    PoE Score:


    Title: Kitchen scraps composted

    Location: Michigan

    Other Information: Composting my kitchen scraps 3.8lbs worth.

    EGC address to be rewarded: Ebi2gs6pRzCYXxgHWQ7gxLQxrAdbE3fEWc


    PoE Score:


    Title: Harvested Carrot and Parsley Seeds

    Location: Michigan

    Other Information: Collected umbles   of carrot and parsley seeds for future planting.

    EGC address to be rewarded: Ebi2gs6pRzCYXxgHWQ7gxLQxrAdbE3fEWc


    PoE Score:



    Location: Bahii church

    Other Information: I met a powerful team which boost me to work hard and this is not other than Anthony and his team.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumba

    PoE Score:


    Title: Squash harvest

    Location: Michigan

    Other Information: 2 butternut and 3 yellow zucchini.

    EGC address to be rewarded: Ebi2gs6pRzCYXxgHWQ7gxLQxrAdbE3fEWc


    PoE Score:


    Title: Planting trees

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Let’s improve our environment but planting trees.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVJtrQAsY4zgnSmC21sWunTvqkTpSQGnPF

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:


    Title: Planting trees

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Let’s improve our environment but planting trees.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVJtrQAsY4zgnSmC21sWunTvqkTpSQGnPF

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:


    Title: 90lb in the ground

    Other Information: Takes a lot to build a raised flower bed, it will look good when its done though. 5 more 5 gallon buckets or 90lb more of CO2.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EaK4jX8XyMJbPWocu2TsF14wkfZieU1ftp

    By: Jim

    PoE Score:


    Title: New EGC node

    Location: Warren, Ohio

    Other Information: New 24/7 dedicated EverGreenCoin node on the network! The more the merrier! 4G connection provided by the EverGreenCoin Foundation as part of a Warren area community building initiative, to which this PoE is donated to.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EdFwYw4Mo2Zq6CFM2yNJgXvE2DTJxgdBRX

    By: Steve

    PoE Score:


    Title: 5 more for Friday

    Other Information: Another 5 buckets of char added to my raised garden.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EaK4jX8XyMJbPWocu2TsF14wkfZieU1ftp

    By: Jim

    PoE Score:



    Location: Kakuma 1

    Other Information: Meet Akai in the video, Akai is a 14 year old boy. For Akai to be well and enjoy his life, must doing this work every day. And which is not good for a young child like him doing hard work like this.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumba

    PoE Score:


    Title: 180lb more CO2

    Other Information: Put another 180lb of CO2 in the ground.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EWtVmSQbrR7ZTxBgykbPKpgJtL2JZuDt7T

    By: Jim

    PoE Score:


    Title: Promotion

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: We are still promoting evergreencoins wherever we are. Evergreencoins is the best!

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVJtrQAsY4zgnSmC21sWunTvqkTpSQGnPF

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:


    Title: Evergreen

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Promoting evergreencoin.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVJtrQAsY4zgnSmC21sWunTvqkTpSQGnPF

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:


    Title: Environment

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: we continue to push evergreencoins everywhere and ensure our environment is stable and attractive to the public eye.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVJtrQAsY4zgnSmC21sWunTvqkTpSQGnPF

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:


    Title: Make the world green and better place

    Location: Kenya kakuma refugee camp

    Other Information: I have done several things like cleaning.

    EGC address to be rewarded: ELErTorXpTn27VsLn4IbKM4YaBhtpFgO2

    By: Ahmed mohamed said

    PoE Score:



    Location: Kakuma Hongkong

    Other Information: Today is Sunday after attending church service, I decided to visit one of my friend and this where I met this young kids. I was so surprised to see them are eating this kind of fruits even I asked one of them the name of fruits she said it called “ Akoch” Akoch is a Sudanes words. This kinds of fruits also it work as an adhesive or sticky. My EGC members this is the important of planting trees of different kinds let’s help communities to identifying the goodness of protecting and trees.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumb

    PoE Score:


    Title: Urban syntropic agroforestry farm in Nairobi

    Location: Kenya, Nairobi

    Other Information: Another youtube video

    EGC address to be rewarded: Eao2Xy19kE65xxmWfJMwG3fWuxC4yFVYyn

    By: Roland van Reenen

    PoE Score:


    Title: Composting

    Location: Meadville

    Other Information: Composted another 7lb of food waste.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EWtVmSQbrR7ZTxBgykbPKpgJtL2JZuDt7T

    By: Jim

    PoE Score:


    Title: Syntropic agroforestry farm after 1 month

    Location: Rusinga Island Kenya

    Other Information: YouTube video. This is a farm we set up during a 7 days course syntropic agroforestry. In this farm 60 tree seedlings were planted and hundreds of tree seeds. Vegetables are grown between the trees to give a direct return in lanting trees. in this way farmers become tree planters. I got much more picture but the uploads are going very slowly so i suggest to watch the youtube video in the link.

    EGC address to be rewarded: Eao2Xy19kE65xxmWfJMwG3fWuxC4yFVYyn

    By: Roland van Reenen

    PoE Score:


    Title: More biochar

    Other Information: This mound is almost finished. I will cover with wood chips, leaves and grass cuttings to get a nice layer of topsoil started. The flowers i plant here should do very well.

    EGC address to be rewarded: Ea11nmYME39gd6KHzzopxByfyfbzCPwvud

    By: Jim

    PoE Score:


    Title: Planting trees

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Let us improve our environment by planting trees.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVJtrQAsY4zgnSmC21sWunTvqkTpSQGnPF

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:


    Title: Our environment

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Burning some rubbish.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVJtrQAsY4zgnSmC21sWunTvqkTpSQGnPF

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:


    Title: Environment

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: We are making sure all this rubbish is clean

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVJtrQAsY4zgnSmC21sWunTvqkTpSQGnPF

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:


    Title: Litter pickup

    Location: Los angeles

    Other Information: Picked up a couple plastic cups.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EPQkoD9d95GScRzkhwimzh1Rot85XmbVkn

    By: EcoWealth

    PoE Score:



    Location: Kakuma 4

    Other Information: This is my work of today, on 13 / 09/2012. I planted 27 trees and I supply 8 trees. Among this 27 trees were planted today 9 of it planted with charcoal. The first 18 which weren’t planted charcoal here it is.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumba

    PoE Score:


    Location: Warren, Ohio

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcZxA3H5HLxY5QAT6eQZgeV3e67dHLKxcj

    By: Steve

    PoE Score:


    Title: Goodwill street sweep

    Location: Warren, Ohio

    Other Information: PoE donated to the EGC foundation.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EdFwYw4Mo2Zq6CFM2yNJgXvE2DTJxgdBRX

    By: Jason and Steve. Photos by Eric.

    PoE Score:


    Title: Wildflowers

    Location: Newton township, Ohio

    Other Information: Keepin’ it wild!

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcZxA3H5HLxY5QAT6eQZgeV3e67dHLKxcj

    By: Steve

    PoE Score:


    Title: Planting trees

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: If we make efforts we can improve our environment.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVJtrQAsY4zgnSmC21sWunTvqkTpSQGnPF

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:


    Title: HOT DAY

    Location: Kakuma 4

    Other Information: I’m sorry dears this was the work of yesterday, I didn’t submit due of network was really bad.Although the sun was too hot and the temperature was in high level that if I guess the temperature must be 40 ⁰C, we managed planting 25 trees. 🌳🌳

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumb

    PoE Score:



    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Today I was very fatigue, but this guy help me a lot in planting trees, although I didn’t do the what I was expecting but manager to plants a half of the goal of today.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumb

    PoE Score:


    Location: Howland, Ohio

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcZxA3H5HLxY5QAT6eQZgeV3e67dHLKxcj

    By: Steve

    PoE Score:


    Title: ENDED DAY

    Location: kakuma refugee

    Other Information: This is how my day ended, I just helping my neighbor to water flowers and give them motivational words, and I realized one things in them, both of them they don’t have skills of caring flower but they own pots and pots of flowers just because to have. So they need to be help with a training on it.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumb

    PoE Score:


    Title: Vegetable biochar

    Location: Nigeria

    Other Information: This is vegetable plant with biochar.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EacTERGfK8oqi6iDpYu6y1wAmGJSPWcz5S

    By: Olakunle Peter

    PoE Score:


    Title: Fence landscaping

    Location: Marysville, Ohio

    Other Information: PoE donated to PoE reward pool.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EWtVmSQbrR7ZTxBgykbPKpgJtL2JZuDt7T

    By: Melanie

    PoE Score:


    Title: Flowering bee oasis porch

    Location: Warren, Ohio

    Other Information: PoE donated to Trees for Cities. Save the bees and the trees!!!

    EGC address to be rewarded: EZ6w2gtdskCmBuNpMcpdLXgpcxh7fMb2wr

    By: Tony and Sadie

    PoE Score:


    Title: My lemon tree

    Location: Nigeria

    Other Information: My lemon tree bring is fruit out for the first time since 6 years.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EacTERGfK8oqi6iDpYu6y1wAmGJSPWcz5S

    By: Olakunle Peter

    PoE Score:


    Title: Planting trees

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: I hope everyone is going very well the day of to day in this past days we were not able to plant many trees depending on the weather we have here in kakuma. It rained and there was a lot of mud everywhere. but today we have planted 57 trees with the boys.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVJtrQAsY4zgnSmC21sWunTvqkTpSQGnPF

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:


    Title: Tired day

    Location: Kakuma refugee camp

    Other Information: Oh yes !! All past four days I didn’t turn up in planting trees due of muds and all of us know this that I do transportation of trees by bike. Today I trying all the ways so that I can plant trees, I walk from my home to a place where trees is, it is long distance. I managed to put two trees in the ground only. Up to now I am very tired of walking a long distance.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumb

    PoE Score:


    Title: Mask

    Location: Warren, Ohio

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcZxA3H5HLxY5QAT6eQZgeV3e67dHLKxcj

    PoE Score:


    Location: Cortland, Ohio

    Other Information: PoE donated to the EGC foundation.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EdFwYw4Mo2Zq6CFM2yNJgXvE2DTJxgdBRX

    By: Jason and Steve

    PoE Score:


    Title: Landscaping

    Location: Warren, Ohio

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVHNch7D4bzZEKQtDqQuTRwchH6LJW7XDp

    By: Jason

    PoE Score:


    Title: Permaculture

    Location: Kenya

    EGC address to be rewarded: EWoWW1i1q2UPTd3GvH5bzJEji2A96zskbP

    By: Kevin Ouma

    PoE Score:


    Title: Planting trees

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Our efforts can make us to improve our environment

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVJtrQAsY4zgnSmC21sWunTvqkTpSQGnPF

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:


    Title: Mazingira yetu

    Location: Kakuma 4

    Other Information: I planted 10 trees I didn’t chose the age I planted with all kind of people.

    EGC address to be rewarded: ENhgNX6Q2ANZAaUW62TCWzWrkjNgTziMu1

    By: Emmanuel Arthur

    PoE Score:



    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Look how people should be using char when applying it in planting trees.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumb

    PoE Score:


    Title: Friday work

    Location: Clinic six

    Other Information: Friday work before I present my pics, how is everyone here ‽‽ I do well and I carry out some complete tasks, evidence is here, I planted 12 trees and visit a small market at 6 not Hongkong.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumb

    PoE Score:



    Title: 👉

    Location: Clinic

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumb

    PoE Score:


    Title: ukuwaji wa miti

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Thanks for getting a special times and sharing ideas with my fellow refugees on planting trees.

    EGC address to be rewarded: ENhgNX6Q2ANZAaUW62TCWzWrkjNgTziMu1

    By: Emmanuel Arthur

    PoE Score:


    Title: Saturday vibes

    Location: Kakuma refugee

    Other Information: It was Saturday vibes although I didn’t plant much trees

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumb

    PoE Score:


    Title: 9/25/2021

    Location: Michigan

    Other Information: Today I went for a bike ride up my road I live on. 1 mile up I pass by this house a lot and u have not seen this sign that they sell eggs. So I saw the person in their garage , so I stopped off and asked if she had eggs available, she said she had 1 dozen left. She gave them at no cost, so I gave her my business card and she wrapped them up so I could travel on my bike. I returned with a squash for her, she liked that.

    EGC address to be rewarded: Ebi2gs6pRzCYXxgHWQ7gxLQxrAdbE3fEWc


    PoE Score:


    Title: 9/25/2021 butternut squash harvest

    Location: Michigan

    Other Information: I harvested 2 more butternut squash on Friday. And have been enjoying them. It may be a new favorite to grow and eat! Yumm I’m also harvesting seeds. Though I may have accidentally cooked them 😖😤 leaving on my toaster oven. Sighs. Oh well.

    EGC address to be rewarded: Ebi2gs6pRzCYXxgHWQ7gxLQxrAdbE3fEWc


    PoE Score:


    Title: 9/21/2021

    Location: Michigan

    Other Information: Harvested some tomatoes and gave / sold them to my aunt. I gave freely and she gave me some cash later.

    EGC address to be rewarded: Ebi2gs6pRzCYXxgHWQ7gxLQxrAdbE3fEWc


    PoE Score:


    Title: 9/21/2021 kitchen scraps to take to compost bin

    Location: Michigan

    Other Information: 4 lbs of kitchen scraps for the compost bin.

    EGC address to be rewarded: Ebi2gs6pRzCYXxgHWQ7gxLQxrAdbE3fEWc


    PoE Score:


    Title: Any given parking lot.

    Location: Warren, Ohio

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcZxA3H5HLxY5QAT6eQZgeV3e67dHLKxcj

    By: Steve

    PoE Score:


    Title: Permaculture

    Location: Kenya

    EGC address to be rewarded: EWoWW1i1q2UPTd3GvH5bzJEji2A96zskbP

    By: David Otieno

    PoE Score:


    Title: Walking to new Canada


    Other Information: After church service I walked from my place to New Canada where is a biggest compost of Kakuma 1. This compost was dug in  2012  and saved the community a period of six years in 2019 the compost is full now with littles and all kinds of dirties. People living nearby I’m sure they have high risks of being sick with different diseases.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumb

    PoE Score:


    Title: MONDAY WORK

    Location: Near Somali Bantu high school

    Other Information: Passing my golden salutation to everyone here !!! Monday work. Today I planted a total of 38 and among of this 38 trees 12 of its ware planted with boichar, kindly Observe here.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumb

    PoE Score:


    Title: Permaculture

    Location: Kenya

    Other Information: Am from Kenya a permaculture practitioner and i use my knowledge to support the vulnerable members of the community.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EXkxuK5o3hnczYcULad1YUCjoooFV9mNKc

    By: Alphonce odhiambo

    PoE Score:


    Title: Mazingira yetu

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Mercibou pour plante cette plente

    EGC address to be rewarded: ENhgNX6Q2ANZAaUW62TCWzWrkjNgTziMu1

    By: Emmanuel Arthur

    PoE Score:


    Title: Black walnuts

    Location: PA

    Other Information: I collected some of the black walnuts around my yard, i will cover them with more biochar and plant or sell them next spring.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EWtVmSQbrR7ZTxBgykbPKpgJtL2JZuDt7T

    By: Jim

    PoE Score:


    Title: Permaculture

    Location: Kenya

    EGC address to be rewarded: EWtVmSQbrR7ZTxBgykbPKpgJtL2JZuDt7T

    By: Kepher Otondi

    PoE Score:


    Title: ukuwaji wa miti

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Wednesday’s work, I planted 23 trees only, I was feeling unwell by now seeking for the medication.

    EGC address to be rewarded: ENhgNX6Q2ANZAaUW62TCWzWrkjNgTziMu1

    By: Emmanuel Arthur

    PoE Score:


    Title: Planting trees

    Location: Kakuma

    Other Information: Let us improve our environment by planting trees.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EVJtrQAsY4zgnSmC21sWunTvqkTpSQGnPF

    By: Bienvenue

    PoE Score:


    Title: Harvest time decorations

    Location: Warren, Ohio

    Other Information: PoE donated to NRDC authorized effort. Save the bees!

    EGC address to be rewarded: EHcSwz3wusbC1jC9Rpdp5jybmNqWyLNckd

    By: Tony and Sadie

    PoE Score:


    Title: Mazingira yetu

    Location: Kakuma 4

    Other Information: Hiy! Trees a head of us, our efforts has no limits on planting trees.10 trees were planted today!!

    EGC address to be rewarded: ENhgNX6Q2ANZAaUW62TCWzWrkjNgTziMu1

    By: Emmanuel Arthur

    PoE Score:


    Title: Thursday work

    Location: Kakuma refugee

    Other Information: Hiy actually the progress of planting trees has no limits. I agree with you brother.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcK5vEvrUaH5D6JcooXur33fx1NxCvCXJe

    By: Martin Abumb

    PoE Score:

Viewing 98 posts - 1 through 98 (of 98 total)
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